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No need to map headers if they all match exactlyโ€‹

We love our intuitive interface for matching imported columns to your schema, but sometimes it's unnecessary -- like if your user took advantage of our template file functionality. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Now, if all of the columns in an imported file exactly match the key, label, or alternate matches of every field in your schema, we will skip right past the column matching step and go directly to the review step.

Custom messages for invalid select optionsโ€‹

We have always offered the ability to set custom error messages for our validators with the validator errorMessage property.

Now, we offer the same functionality for select fields, if the a value is imported that does not match the select options. You can use this by providing an invalidValueMessage with your select field.

The invalidValueMessage setting in action

Simplified sign-up flowโ€‹

Previously, we asked for your first and last name on our registration page.

Now we keep it simple, and we only need an email and password for you to get started with Dromo.

We're always happy to get on a first name basis with you, regardless!

Bugs squashed ๐Ÿ›โ€‹

  • On the column matching screen, we label columns A-Z, just like your favorite spreadsheet program. Previously, things would get weird after the 26th column. Now, the count goes ... Y, Z, AA, AB, ... like you'd expect.
  • There were certain situations where our automatic character encoding detection would pick the wrong encoding. This has been fixed. รƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌ begone!

More options for dealing with unresolved errorsโ€‹

This week, we released a new configuration setting, invalidDataBehavior, to allow better control over how Dromo behaves when there is invalid data during the Review step.

As a refresher, a row is considered invalid if any of its fields have a failing validation or an "error"-level message that you have placed via a data hook.

The invalidDataBehavior replaces the allowInvalidSubmit setting, and gives you three options:

  • REMOVE_INVALID_ROWS, (the default) warns the user that there are invalid rows, and if they proceed, drops the rows with invalid data from the results.
  • INCLUDE_INVALID_ROWS also warns the user, and if they proceed, will include the rows with invalid data in the results. You can check the rowsWithErrors field on the results metadata to determine which rows had issues.
  • BLOCK_SUBMIT is the new behavior that this setting enables. With this enabled, users will not be able to complete the import until they have resolved all of the errors in the import.

Filename now available in onResults callbackโ€‹

In addition to the upload step hook, you can now access the filename of the user-uploaded file in the onResults callback. You will find it in the metadata object under the filename key.

Empty columns automatically droppedโ€‹

If files are imported that have columns that are completely empty, Dromo will now ignore the columns, keeping the column matching screen free of clutter.