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Release notes (January 13)

Greetings, Dromaniacs, and happy New Year!

New plans for every productโ€‹

Dromo has simplified its pricing model again. Now we offer three plans for every product: Flex, Unlimited, and Enterprise.

The Flex plan is a hybrid fixed/pay-as-you-go option that charges a modest flat fee for a generous monthly import allowance, and a small variable fee for additional imports each month. NB: imports in development mode are still free, and do not count against your monthly allowance. The Flex plan is well-suited for small teams with low or irregular import volume, or larger teams that want to experiment with an off-the-shelf solution on a monthly basis before making a bigger commitment.

An Unlimited plan allows for unlimited schemas and unlimited usage for one fixed annual fee. Unlimited is perfect for teams with moderate import volume who do not want the hassle of worrying about overages or variable fees.

An Enterprise plan is required for certain advanced features (such as on-premise deployments and Bring Your Own Storage) and support options. It is customized for each client in consultation with the Dromo support team.

Demo modeโ€‹

Dromo has updated the free tier to include demo mode, which is engaged by default when using the Dromo importer with developmentMode=true without a paid plan. Demo mode limits the number of rows that may be uploaded at once, the number of schemas that you may define in the dashboard, and the number of uploads that will be saved in the backend. After upgrading to a paid plan, demo mode is automatically superseded by development mode.

Bugs squashed ๐Ÿ›โ€‹

  • Unique constraints now work with numbers as well as strings
  • Whitespace is now stripped from select options in the same way as for column headers
  • Fixed a bug that caused the column matching screen to prevent users from escaping if they had any unmatched columns