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You can use webhooks to get notified when your users complete an import using Dromo.

Dromo provides two kinds of webhooks: managed webhooks and basic webhooks.

Managed webhooks are managed in the Dromo dashboard. They provide context about the completed import, and can be applied to multiple schemas.

Basic webhooks are configured by setting the webhookUrl setting in your import settings. This webhook can be configured dynamically at the time of import.

Managed webhooks

Managed webhooks are configured in the dashboard on the webhooks page.

Click on the "New webhook" button to create your first webhook.

Creating a new managed webhook

Enter a URL where you would like the URL to be delivered. This URL must be publicly accessible.

The "Development Mode" toggle determines whether the webhook will fire for production imports or development imports, as specified by the developmentMode setting. This is useful for testing webhooks in test or staging environments.

Finally, specify schemas for which this webhook should trigger. There are two ways to specify schemas. First, you can specify a list of import identifiers. This webhook will be triggered any time an import is completed that has a matching importIdentifier setting. This is useful for attaching webhooks to dynamically configured imports. Secondly, you may specify any of your saved schemas that you have configured in the Schema Studio. You can use any combination of import identifiers and saved schemas when configuring the webhook.

Press create to save your webhook. The next time an import is completed for a matching schema, you will recieve a POST request to the configured URL.

The request will contain a JSON body with the following parameters:

  • eventstring

    The event that triggered this webhook. Currently, this will always be "import_completed" unless your organization is using Dromo Headless (see below).

  • dataobject

    • idstring

      The id of the import. You can use this ID with the Dromo Imports API.

    • filenamestring | null

      The filename of the file uploaded by the user. This will be null if manual input or initialData was used.

    • userUser

      The user metadata supplied with this import

    • created_datestring

      The completion time of the import, in ISO-8601 format

    • import_typestring

      "HEADLESS" if the import was a Headless import, otherwise "EMBEDDED"

    • statusstring

      For standard (embedded) imports, currently will always be "SUCCESSFUL". See below for Headless.

    • num_data_rowsnumber

      The number of rows in the completed import

    • development_modeboolean

      Whether this import was completed in development mode

    • has_databoolean

      Whether the results of this import were saved using backend sync.

      If true, you can fetch the import results using the get import data endpoint.

"event": "import_completed",
"data": {
"id": "025f399f-4370-4064-aed5-b8d16b597183",
"filename": "contacts.csv",
"user": {
"id": "user-123",
"name": "Caitlin Clark",
"email": "",
"company_id": null,
"company_name": null
"created_date": "2024-04-24T17:20:14.659349Z",
"import_type": "EMBEDDED",
"status": "SUCCESSFUL",
"num_data_rows": 433,
"development_mode": false,
"has_data": true
Managed webhooks and headless imports

When using managed webhooks with headless imports, Dromo exposes additional events and data in the webhook.

There are two additional events:

  • A "headless_import_needs_review" event is triggered when a headless import enters the needs review state.
  • A "headless_import_failed" event is triggered when a headless import encounters an unrecoverable error and goes to the failed state.

Completed headless imports, whether fully automated or completed using manual review, will trigger the standard "import_completed" event as detailed above.

All headless import webhooks include an additional "headless" key in the data object. This will include data about the headless import in a format matching the retrieve headless import endpoint, with the exception that "review_url" and "original_file_download" are not exposed in the webhook for security reasons.

Basic webhooks

Basic webhooks are triggered when an import is completed, when the settings for that import included a webhookUrl.

The webhooks are delivered to the configured URL via POST request in URL-encoded form format, and contain only a single key, uploadId.


This key can be used to fetch import data and metadata using the Dromo API.